Beautiful Baby Portraits
This Baby Portraits Page is part of 'Gallery Selections 2', if you haven't yet read it, or our 'Home Page', maybe you'd like to check them out before reading on.
Again, as already mentioned,we do not publish our customers portraits on-line, this is purely for privacy reasons. All The kids portraits you'll see below are all children of family and friends.
We've already talked about the importance of the right background on our home page. So, if you have a lovely picture but the scenery isn't that hot, just tell us what you'd like the backdrop to be.
It could be anything from a tropical beach, to a beautiful countryside shot, or we can even incorporate two photos into one, your child and your dog for instance.
Now let's view some fine examples crafted in oils & pastels.  .   Return to 'Gallery Selections 2'
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